DrawInScience was born in 2017, as a personal challenge to share my passions: Drawing and Science. The main idea was to share science through the looking glass of illustration, as a way to communicate science in a clear and appealing way. Quite soon, I started to receive requests for commissions and thus, in 2018, DrawInScience started with commission services.
During this time, I have done hundreds of illustrations to share with the general public and with the scientific community. I have created images for webpages, posters, logos, and scientific articles (to explain hypothesis, graphical abstracts, projects, grand applications and more!). In top of that, and because I’m convinced about the key role that science plays in our society, I have participated in the conception of a zine about sexually transmitted diseases (for teenagers and high school students). Finally, I created the Celltember series, to create awareness about the value and the huge world that is opened in front of us when we talk about the Cell.
If you are wondering, I am based at the heart of Paris, with collaborations all over the world.
Some of my clients